Friends of Scouting
Raising money for Scouts in central Texas
What is Friends of Scouting?
The Friends of Scouting (FOS) campaign is the single largest source of funding for our local Austin scouting program. The Capitol Area Council (CAC) depends on donations to FOS to deliver the values of Scouting throughout the Austin area.
Our current Bee Cave District Friends of Scouting Chair is Mollie O'Hara Leach. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to click here to contact them at
How does Friends of Scouting benefit our Scouts?
Membership dues go directly to National BSA. 100% of your FOS donation stays in the Austin area. It costs about $250 a year per scout to support the 24,000 youths and 7,000 adult volunteers in the Capital Area Council.
What are some of the line items FOS helps cover?
Camping programs such as Summer Day Camp, Webelos Extreme Winter Camp, Adventure Days and STEM Programs
Camp facilities at Lost Pines Scout Reservation, Camp Tom Wooten, and five others
Training programs for adult leaders
Youth Protection Training and background checks for all registered adults
Liability and accident insurance
Merit Badge Clinics
Staff to support the Council Service Center
Record-keeping for membership and advancement
How do I make my tax-deductible contribution to Friends of Scouting?
Contact your Unit Leader or FOS Captain or simply click on the image below!
If you would like to make a contribution, please follow this link: Friends of Scouting
Thanks for your support!