Announcements Archive
Note: Not all links or emails are guaranteed to work as this is an archive of our past announcements.
Date: 5/17/24
Title: Summer Break
As we close for the normal Scouting year, we want to wish you all the best. Have a wonderful summer everyone! As always, we're here if you need anything. Don't be stranger!
Date: 4/2/2024
Title: Bee Cave District Pinewood Derby Championship Canceled
Unfortunately, the Bee Cave District leaders in charge of the Bee Cave District Pinewood Derby planning have come to the conclusion that we will have to cancel the proposed new annual event due to a lack of registrations. This will be discussed more in-depth at our upcoming Roundtable and we hope to try again in 2025.
Date: 3/25/2024
Title: Another Successful Bee Cave District Camporee
The Bee Cave District would like to thank all the units that attended our Bee Cave District Camporee at Lost Pines Scout Reservation on the weekend of March 22! We feel that it was another huge success and hope all the units that attended enjoyed it much as we did. Big shout out to all the staff and the Bee Cave Chapter for helping plan the event! See you next year!
Date: 12/13/2023
Title: Less Than One Week Left to Submit Your Bee Cave District Awards Nominations!
There's less than one week left to submit your Bee Cave District Awards Nominations! Submit them here and hop on over to our Awards page for more information.
Date: 12/1/2023
Title: Bee Cave District Banquet
The Bee Cave District is excited to announce our annual Bee Cave District Banquet!
The Banquet will be held on January 18th at 6:00 pm at Emmaus Catholic Parish.
The cost for the event is $30/person or $300 for a table of 10. Please register for the banquet using this link. A fajita dinner will be catered by Lupe Tortilla.
Date: 9/21/2023
Title: Bee Cave Rocket Day Delayed to Dec. 2nd!!!
Why: Unfortunately the Travis County burn ban has been extended to October 18th 2023. This means we are postponing Bee Cave District Rocket Day to Dec. 2nd. So mark your calendars!!!
Alternative while you're waiting: As an alternative the Bee Caves District is suggesting your scout attend Cub Eclipse over the Pines: A Galactic Event at Tom Wooten in Bastrop
Rocket Day Shirts!!! We are extending the orders for Rocket Day shirts to Nov. 12th. You can never have enough class b scout shirts. The shirts are for preorder only and will not sold at the event. So order now!
Please contact me with any questions at
Date: 9/9/2023
Title: Webelos Woods
Webelos Woods is officially on for Saturday, September 23! We now have a venue (Austin Ridge by Cuernavaca) and a number of other updates that we've published on the Webelos Woods Page.
Check it out and let us know if you have any questions at
Date: 8/1/2023
Title: Fall 2023 Wood Badge Opportunity
Hey there, Bee Cave District! This fall we have another great opportunity to participate in Wood Badge! Wood Badge, if you don't already know, is the BSA's premier leadership training course that will give you the tools to be a more effective leader in scouting and beyond. If you're interested in learning more, you can check it out here:
Please note: Anyone that was signed up for the summer 2023 course is being rolled over to the fall 2023 course.
Date: 4/4/23
Title: IOLS at Camporee!
The Bee Cave District is happy to announce that it will offer IOLS (Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills) to a maximum of 20 adult attendees of its Bee Cave District Camporee on April 28-30, 2023, at Smilin' V Ranch. This course is necessary to become fully trained as either a Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster to serve your units. Topics covered will include outdoor skills for camping, cooking, packing, hiking, woods tools, knots, lashings, flag ceremonies, and interfaith service. The course will begin at 8:00 am on Saturday, April 29, and continue through approximately 11:00 am on Sunday, April 30. Participants should come prepared for an overnight stay. You will be camping separately from your units and will be unavailable the entire time to the rest of your unit team. You must attend the entire course to receive credit. You may review the course topics in advance here:
Date: 4/3/23
Title: Bee Cave District Website and Email List Updates/Camporee Updates
Starting on Thursday, March 30, 12:58 AM the Bee Cave District website underwent a complete outage as the website's hosting provider, SOAR, experienced critical server failure. We have developed a plan to get back up and running to make sure you have access to the information you need most like Camporee details.
The Bee Cave District is continuously releasing information pertaining to this event to make sure you're in-the-know. Please check back here often to get updates.
Date: 03/20/2023 - 4:50 PM (Central)
Title: Bee Cave District Camporee Updates - 3/20/23
Hello, Bee Cave District Unit Leaders!
We wanted to reach out and give you a few updates about Camporee. We hope you find this information useful! If you have any questions for us, we are here for you! Feel free to reply to this email, message us on our Slack Workspace to ask us questions, or take a look at the District homepage and Camporee website for more resources. We want to make sure this information is as accessible to you as possible!
Here are some bullet pointed updates to keep in mind:
• Time, Date, and Location: This is a friendly reminder that the Bee Cave District 2023 Camporee has been set for Friday, April 28 - Sunday, April 30 at Smilin' V Scout Ranch!
• Theme: Our theme for Camporee this year will be 'Night at the Museum'! We highly encourage you to dress up in Scout appropriate costumes (and even decorate your units' trailer) when you show up at Camporee - your whole unit/patrols can come up with a category to dress up as! Think Ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Cave Men, Attila the Hun, American Revolutionary War, etc. If you're not familiar with the Night at the Museum series, the movies are available on Disney Plus for you to watch if you'd like to gather some additional context other than what we'll provide.
Camporee Packet: The Camporee Packet including most of the information you'll need to know will be released in early-April on the Camporee website - we'll send out an email when this is available to you. This is where you'll find Camporee logistics, rules, the schedule, and many other things as you might remember in years past.
• Pre-Registration: We'll send out an email later in March to get some pre-registration information from you: does your unit plan on attending Camporee, your best estimate of the number of people and patrols you expect to attend, Identify your Youth and Adult Camporee Representatives, etc.
• CAMPOREE ROUNDTABLE:We will discuss Camporee in depth at the regularly scheduled Bee Cave District April Roundtable. We'll be going through the Camporee Packet, schedule, and a Q&A for you to ask us questions in-person as well as talking about many other aspects of our upcoming Camporee. This is scheduled for April 13, 7 PM at Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church ALL Unit Leaders and Unit Adult/Youth Camporee Representatives are highly encouraged to attend.
• Scout Skills Competition Rubric: As always, the Scout Skills competitions will focus on some of the basic Scout Skills: first aid, knots, lashings, map/compass/orienteering, and fire building. We encourage you to work with your scouts on these basic skills so that they will “Be Prepared”. In late March we plan to release the Scout Skills Competition Rubric so that your unit can better prepare for the specific activities that we're planning to have at Camporee.
We're working hard to put on a Camporee that we think you'll be sure to remember! We thank you for helping us make this possible!
See you there,
Brady Whipple & Your 2023 Camporee at the Museum Staff
Note: This was also sent to all Unit Leader emails
Date: 03/18/2023 - 2:33 PM (Central)
Title: Bee Cave Camporee is coming Aril 28th - 30th! Pre-Order your shirts and hats now!
Bee Cave District is holding its annual, Camporee at the Museum, at Smilin V ranch in Liberty Hill April 28th through the 30th. This is a great time to come out and show off your Scouting skills and have a great time doing it! Shirts and hats are only available through Pre-Order through April 5th. To place your order please use link below. All order will be available for pick up at the Trading Post at Camporee. Dont miss out on these limited edition shirts and hats!!
Date: 03/02/2023 - 9:01 PM (Central)
Title: Join us at Roundtable March 9th! Special session with Council Key 3 Leadership
image001.jpg [Webmaster note: This picture was not uploaded correctly to the site when the announcement was made, it's not a transfer or site error]
Date: 02/10/2023 - 2:45 PM (Central)
Title: District Pinewood Derby Championship -- We Want Your Feedback!!
We would like to host a District-wide Pinewood Derby Championship. We would like to gauge the interest and feasibility of doing it.
Let's get all our Bee Cave units together and have a fun day. We would want to offer opportunities for Cubs, Webelos, Scouts, and Leaders to race. We can even have an ultimate, open, no rules race for those who'd like to take things up a notch.
Additionally we can use this as an opportunity to recruit new members and even have new Units fundraise (sell snacks and drinks).
We are targeting May (20th seems best) of this year,
Please take a couple of minutes to complete the survey below.
Pinewood Derby District Championship Survey
Looking forward to your response,
Hank Kelbaugh
Bee Cave District Commissioner
Date: 01/19/2023 - 11:07 AM (Central)
Title: Capitol Area Council - University of Scouting 2023
Save the date and come join us January 21, 2023, for the day at Austin Community College’s Eastview Campus. We are excited to be back in person and will have tons of new classes and fun! Look for the Course Catalog to be out mid-December.
University of Scouting is the premier one-day supplemental training opportunity for all Scout Leaders. It goes beyond Leader Specific Training to give knowledge and skills on specific topics that will help to deliver the promise of Scouting. The goal is to provide information that is practical and immediately useful on topics that are not readily available at the local unit or district level. The instructors have skills and insights that have been developed through years of Scouting experience. It’s also a great opportunity to network with other Scout Leaders, make new friends, and share best practices across the Council.
Registration information can be found here:
Date: 01/10/2023 - 12:10 PM (Central)
Title: Bee Cave District Volunteer Appreciation and Awards Banquet Jan 12th
Welcome to 2023, Bee Cave District! The best way to start a new year is to look back with respect, and honor all our adult volunteers who made Scouting in the Bee Cave District such a wonderful program for our youth. With that in mind, we are inviting all our leadership to come share in fellowship (and a delicious Fajita dinner from Maudie's) while we announce and bestow our District awards for the Stinger, the Bronze Bee, the District Award of Merit, and recognize our Scout and Cub Scout of the Year!
District Volunteer Appreciation and Awards Banquet
Thursday, January 12th at 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM in Fellowship Hall
Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church - 7127 Bee Cave Road, Austin TX 78746
Date: 11/02/2022 - 10:03 PM (Central)
Title: Recharter Help is Ready!
Hello Leaders! Can you believe we are already in November? And can you believe that the Recharter Deadline is Nov 30th?? Wow how time flies! We have arranged 4 dates for Units to come and get help specifically for the Rechartering process (Hosted by Brandon Colmark and Hank Kelbaugh). If you need help or have questions please attend or reach out to your Unit Commissioners!
"Stop n' Shop" dates and location for Recharter help:
Thursday Nov 3rd 6pm - 7pm @ Westlake Hill Presbyterian Church - 7127 Bee Cave Rd Austin TX 78746
Tuesday Nov 8th (Election Day) 11:00am - Noon @ Los Pinos - 11715 Bee Cave Rd Austin TX 78738
Monday Nov 21st 8pm - 9pm @ Emmaus Catholic Parish Parish Life Center - 1718 Lohman’s Crossing Rd Austin TX 78734
Tuesday Nov 29th 10am - 11am @ Summer Moon (Westlake) - 3201 Bee Caves Rd. #163 Austin TX 78746
Date: 10/11/2022 - 8:30 PM (Central)
Title: Recharter 2022 Reminders - Come to Roundtable Thursday October 13
Greetings! This is a reminder that we will be holding our Bee Cave District Roundtable on Oct 13th at 7pm at the Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church.
One of the important topics to be covered will be Rechartering Units for the upcoming year.
Please be sure your Unit's Rechartering Champion or Committee Chair (or Both!) can attend.
Please Bring your laptop.
Prior to the meeting you should login in to Advancements.Scouting.Org to make sure you have access to the rechartering application for your Unit.
Bring any and all (Adult and Youth) Applications with payment to the Roundtable, Brandon Colmark (Bee Cave District Executive) will collect them and drop them off at the Fickett Center.
Check out these useful files!
Looking forward to seeing you at the Roundtable.
Hank Kelbaugh
Bee Cave District Commissioner
Roundtable to be held at Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church
7127 Bee Cave Road
Austin, Texas, 78746
Date: 10/11/2022 - 6:06 PM (Central)
Title: Roundtable - October 13 @ 7:00 PM - IN-PERSON at WHPC
Roundtable is IN PERSON at 7PM this Thursday. Unit Charter Renewal (aka Recharter) is the topic of the night! This is *the* night for your unit's recharter leader to attend. District Commissioner Hank Kelbaugh as well as our new District Executive Brandon Colmark will both be on hand to get you off to a great start.
Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church - 7127 Bee Caves Road
- OR -
You can access the virtual meeting via Zoom, details below:
Meeting ID: 338 305 0468 / Passcode: 164136
Date: 09/13/2022 - 8:05 PM (Central)
Title: Rocket Day - Saturday Oct 1 - 9AM til we're done!
Please join your fellow Cub Scout rocketeers for Rocket Day 2022 at Lake Hills Church - 11431 Bee Caves Road, Bee Cave, TX 78738. Event starts at 9:00 AM and rockets will fly until the last one takes to the sky. Please contact Dreux LaViolette ( with question or to be added to his email distribution list. More details on the calendar event, here.
Date: 09/13/2022 - 8:00 PM (Central)
Title: Help Us Prepare for Cub Day Camp in Summer 2023
Yes, it's time to start thinking about next summer! All of the district's Cub Scout Day Camp equipment and materials have been "dropped" for storage at the VFW Post 4443 after they were generous enough to offer the use of their facilities. Ed Touchet is in need of help to sort through, check and inventory the equipment before storing it away for next summer. Please contact Ed ( to let him know if you would be willing to assist in this very important part of making our next day camp adventure come together. Ed will provide further details on the possible dates, times and location to interested volunteers. THANKS!
Date: 09/13/2022 - 7:56 PM (Central)
Title: Webelos Woods 2022 - Sept 24 @ Camp Mabry
Webelos Woods is coming! Please join many of the boys and girls troops from around the Bee Cave District for this great opportunity for Webelos-aged youth to experience all the Scouts BSA has to offer. The event will be held at Camp Mabry on September 24, 2022. Check in desk opens at 8:00 AM, opening ceremony at 9:00 AM sharp, and the event will conclude at 1:00 PM.
Please view the "Save the Date" email here for more details, and keep an eye on our Webelos Woods page here for all the latest information. Registration links should be live soon.
Date: 11/08/2022 - 5:38 PM (Central)
Title: Roundtable - Thurs, Sep 8 @ 7PM - IN-PERSON + ZOOM
Join us for Roundtable Thursday, September 8 for an in-person meeting starting at 7:00 PM. Zoom simulcast will be available (see details below).
Our main topics this month are:
Webelos Woods 2022 - set for Saturday, September 24 at Camp Mabry - click here for Webelos Woods info
Rocket Day 2022 - set for Saturday, October 1 at Lake Hills Church - click here for Rocket Day info
Click here for the full announcement and details!
Room 200 (or 205, depending on a prior meeting in same space)
Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church
7127 Bee Cave Road
Austin, TX 78746
As always, Roundtable is for discussing whatever topics you choose to raise, but we are thinking of covering the following topics:
Webelos Woods (Sept 24 2022)
Cub Scout Rocket Day (Oct 1 2022)
We will cover any other topics tonight as well as time allows. Some possibilities to get your thoughts flowing:
Rifle (this weekend) and Shotgun (Oct 22) Instructor Training
BSA Climbing Instructor, 23-25 Sept (Tower) and in October (Natural Area)
Eagle Process, Advisors, and District Advancement
Summer time award (Packs only)
NYLT (Dec 27, 2022-Jan 1, 2023, Mar 12-18 2023)
Charter Organization relationships, insurance, etc
If you’re unsure where/when to find these Roundtable events, they are scheduled for the 2nd Thursday of each month (except Jun-Aug), and listed in the District Newsletter and Calendar. For those of you who use your phone/tablet/computer calendar regularly and need your schedule all in one place, you can subscribe to the District Calendarwithout a login at webcal://
The next Roundtable will be Oct 13. If anyone has topics they’d like to discuss at the next Roundtable, please contact
Click this link to join Zoom Meeting on your computer:
Meeting ID: 338 305 0468
Passcode: 164136
Use the information below ONLY if dialing in by telephone only:
(346) 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 338 305 0468
Passcode: 164136
Date: 03/01/2022 - 12:49 PM (Central)
Title: Special Needs Scouting
The Bee Cave District welcomes Mathew Nazareth as our commissioner for Special Needs Scouting. Mathew has brought home to our district a wealth of knowledge and resources from the Capitol Area Council's Special Needs and Disabilities Roundtable. The overview presentation is attached below (or click here to open it). Advancement guidelines, activities from local opportunities to high adventure, unit-level assistance, and a toolbox of resources and guidance - it's all there. Please reach out to Mathew ( if he can help serve you or your unit.
Date: 11/29/2021 - 4:30 PM (Central)
Title: The 2022 Bee Cave District Camporee is on!
2022 Bee Cave District Camporee - Announcement
Hello Bee Cave District Members!
We're reaching out to inform you that the 2022 Bee Cave District Camporee and is on! As in previous years, you're welcome to navigate over to the Bee Cave District Camporee page for more information. Key 3 members and Camporee staff, please check and continue to check your email regularly for more communication.
We need Camporee staff!
If you're interested in helping staff Camporee, please take a look at the Camporee page (also found in the menu bar to the left) frequently for more information as well as your email. Please also join our chapter Slack which is required to be on staff for Camporee (and open for all other Bee Cave District members!). You will have the opportunity to do a number of things such as helping lead activities, make sure parking is going according to plan when arriving and leaving the campground, work on some behind the scenes planning, and a number of other things. We need YOU to help us make Camporee a success!
Have Questions?
If you have any questions about Camporee, please feel free to contact the Bee Cave Chapter here.
Yours in Scouting,
Bee Cave Chapter & Camporee Staff
Date: 11/07/2021 - 10:38 AM (Central)
Title: Camo & Campfires Early Veteran's Day Event - Wed Nov 10
Join with local community leaders and other Scouts for the first Camo & Campfires event, to be held at VFW Post 4443 located at 7614 Thomas Springs Rd in Austin. The program begins at 5:00 PM and will conclude by 8:00 PM. Together, attendees will have the chance to submit questions for the veterans in attendance, and engage in honest conversation and storytelling with these local heroes who have served our nation. The event - including delicious food provided by Salt Lick as well as veteran-owned PureJerky - is free but for planning purposes, RSVP is required via text message to 512-288-4443. Scouts are invited to bring questions, printed on index cards to submit to the event organizers (please bring two copies). All Scouts should come in full field ("Class 'A'") uniforms. Please click here to read the full press release.
Date: 05/15/2021 - 1:09 PM (Central)
Title: Special Virtual COVID Safety Officer (CSO) Training
The Capitol Area Council's Training Committee cordially invites our District Scouters to this Wednesday's special Training Committee Meeting. The first 30 minutes of the meeting will be dedicated to COVID Safety Officer (CSO) Training.
This training is open to anyone in the Council, and at the end of the training a link will be provided to allow you to add credit for this course this to your official training record.
Having trained CSO's at unit, district and council-level events is a vital component of our COVID camp re-opening process. Did you know that:
Unit activities on Council properties with more than 75 overall attendees requires one trained CSO for every 25 attendees
District and Council activities need a COVID Safety Plan, supplemental applications, and at least one trained CSO to take place
Please visit our district web site for more information. And please save the date to attend this Zoom meeting:
What: COVID Safety Office Training (as part of Training Committee meeting)
When: Wednesday, May 19 at 6:30 PM
Where: Zoom (click here, or copy the link below)
Meeting ID: 598 665 9452
Password: 77URv9brJ_
Phone: US +1 (346) 248-7799,,5986659452#
Date: 11/05/2020 - 9:03 PM (Central)
Title: Webelos Woods 2020 Has Gone Virtual
Our traditional Webelos Woods day was virtualized due to COVID-19. Please visit our all new Webelos Woods special website to find out how YOU can "Be A Scout" and get into Scouts BSA!
Date: 11/05/2020 - 8:59 PM (Central)
Title: Youth Protection Training
Two years ago, all existing adult leaders needed to complete the "new" Youth Protection Training, so many of us will need to renew our YPT this year in order to recharter! Please don't wait until the last minute, as the online systems might get crushed.
Youth Protection training is required for all BSA registered volunteers and is a joining requirement.
Youth Protection training must be taken every two years. If a volunteer’s Youth Protection training record is not current at the time of recharter, the volunteer will not be re-registered.
Download the How-To Guide for taking Youth Protection Training
Date: 03/13/2020 - 2:47 PM (Central)
Title: COVID-19 and District Activities
The message below may be accessed via this URL at any time:
To all of our Bee Cave District Scouters: our district committee, together with the Capitol Area Council staff and volunteers are focused on the safety of the youth and volunteers we serve. As we monitor the Texas Department of Health Services and the CDC for the current status and best practices for monitoring and mitigating the Coronavirus impact, we wanted to share the most recent information from the Council as well as our local district impacts.
The Capitol Area Council has already postponed the March 21 STEMboree event as well as the March 28 Volunteer Award Reception. Our Bee Cave District Camporee, originally scheduled for April 3-5, has also been postponed.
The Rare Merit Badge University, scheduled for April 25, is still planned at this time as we continue to monitor events.
Based on evolving guidance about group meetings, the Council strongly recommends that until March 31, 2020 all District-level meetings be conducted through video- or tele-conference. Units should decide among their leadership, families, and chartered organization about whether to postpone meetings, campouts, and other activities.
Current updates from the Capitol Area Council on the Coronavirus impact on council operations can be found here:
We will send an additional update later this month. Thanks for your support of Scouting.
Stephanie Cook
Bee Cave District Chair
Date: 03/01/2020 - 9:08 PM (Central)
Title: District Rare Merit Badge University
Troops 70 and 72 are hosting the first annual (?) Bee Cave District Rare Merit Badge University on April 25, 2020. The event will be open to Scouts in all local Troops. This is a unique opportunity to find classes in many of the 30 least-often-earned merit badges!
When: Saturday, April 25, 2020 - Sign-In Opens 8:00 AM
Where: Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church, 7127 Bee Caves Rd, Austin, TX 78746
Registration is open now! Please click here or on the link below:
Merit Badges Offered - subject to change based on registrations:
Important: BRING BLUE CARDS - no electronic tracking of merit badge requirements is being offered. We're going old school! Blue. Cards.
Plant Science
Dog Care
Stamp Collecting*
Landscape Architecture
Insect Studies
American Business
Veterinary Medicine
American Cultures*
Public Health
* expected to be complete, though some have prerequisites. This is our first time offering this, so we're learning as we go, too!
There may be a Tenderfoot / Second Class advancement track. We may add Skating but it would be offsite.
Lunch is not provided, but there are a ton of local restaurants and delivery places, and plenty of time to get lunch.
Parents may be asked to hang around to help assure two-deep leadership for all classes. PLEASE BRING A COPY OF YOUR YPT CERTIFICATE SO YOU CAN BE PRESSED INTO SERVICE.
Date: 02/19/2020 - 3:07 PM (Central)
Title: A Message from the Bee Cave District Chair
Hello everyone - first I would like to thank each of you for the tremendous amount of time that you give to Scouting, and as your District Chair I want to apologize if you spent any part of yesterday addressing the national BSA bankruptcy through questions or comments from others. I respect that your time is valuable and your volunteer position should focus on your unit needs rather than addressing decisions made outside our purview.
I too was surprised to learn of the news and at the District level we coordinated to update our District website with information mirroring the information from the Council and National organizations. As you move through the next week and scouting events, our website has information to answer questions or comments. If you find that the public information does not answer your specific questions, or you need assistance with responding to questions of others, please feel free to reach out to me or the council directly.
Important Council Update regarding Boy Scouts of America on District Website
I would also respectfully ask that our message be consistent throughout the BCD units. I cannot speculate on the motivations prompting National BSA’s decision and I respect each individual’s need to seek redress for wrongful acts endured as a child. I was present at the Senate hearings this last year when the Texas Olympic female gymnasts testified in favor of legislation extending the time to file complaints for abuse. Their stories, and the stories of other abused children, affected me deeply and are chilling to recall. I know that each of you work hard to ensure the safety of our children and I appreciate your continued efforts and dedication.
It is my sincere hope that you will not encounter negative comments or repercussions based on your association with Scouting. If you feel that your youth or adults, including your chartered organization, need to discuss the bankruptcy or motivations, please let me know and we can coordinate efforts to respond. I acknowledge and appreciate that each of you volunteer hundreds of hours to youth in this District and I hope that this email and the information the District has provided will assist in easing any burden created by the bankruptcy news.
Thank you again,
Stephanie Cook
Bee Cave District Chair
Date: 02/18/2020 - 3:04 PM (Central)
Title: Important Council Update regarding Boy Scouts of America
Mr. Jon Yates, the Capitol Area Council's Scout Executive, sent this council-level update regarding the announcement by the national Boy Scouts of America organization indicating it has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Please read on for important points for our Council membership:
Council Message from Jon Yates to our Volunteers and Charter Partners
If you or any members in your unit have questions, we encourage you to contact:
Richie Ortega, Senior District Executive, Bee Cave District
( Cook, District Chair, Bee Cave District
Pleae click "Read More" for FAQ's and additional resources...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) from the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America
Original Message from Mr. Yates follows:
Date: 01/07/2020 - 8:32 PM (Central)
Title: Congratulations, 2019 Stinger Award Recipients
The Bee Cave District would like to congratulate all our Stinger Award recipients across our district. You and your efforts shine bright, and help make our district's Scouting program so incredible for all our boys and girls. Thank You!
Pack 29 Wendy Lingan, Gus Payne, Shannon Revels, Jay Sexton
Pack 39 Robert Paulsen, Mark Dlutowski
Pack 66 Spencer Stevens, Rick Purdue, Jennifer Vandewalle
Pack 72 Brian DeCou, Nick Klase, Grayson Moore
Pack 79 Chris Amador, Garrett Duke, Dreux LaViolette
Pack 310 Bill Earley
Pack 442 Matt Kelly, Amanda Owens
Pack 445 Kelly Herd, Erin Johnston
Pack 786 Marti Gab, Stephen Spurlin, Porter Vigil, Robin Williams
Pack 990 Curt Jackson, Meghan Jackson
Troop 30 Wes Breyfogle, Chris Collins, Cathy Stacy, Mark Wiprud, Robin Wiprud
Troop 31 Steve Hewitt, Aaron Kizer, Jordan Scott, Gilda Tirado
Troop 310 Tory Newby, Tom Reilly
Troop 52 Matthew Gomes, Alfredo Loredo, Ashwin Rao, Carrie Suh, Paula Wright, Richard Wright
Troop 70 Kevin Collins, Dina Holstien, Jennifer Kuhn, Shannon Lamm, Billy Zhao
Troop 72 Heather Howell
Troop 441 Steve Mulanax
Troop 454 Thessaly Startzell, Hans van der Wal
Troop 4540 Julie Fergerson, Mindy Weber
Troop 786 Angela Frankhouser, Scott Vandehey
Troop 1010 Robin Reitler
Ship 441 Doris Chow
Date: 01/06/2020 - 3:06 PM (Central)
Title: District Annual Volunteer Awards Banquet - Thursday, Jan 9
Welcome to 2020, Bee Cave District! The best way to start a new year is to look back with respect, and honor all our adult volunteers who made Scouting in the Bee Cave District such a wonderful program for our youth. With that in mind, we are inviting all our leadership to come share in fellowship (and a delicious Texas BBQ dinner from It's All Good BBQ) while we announce and bestow our District awards for the Stinger, the Bronze Bee, the District Award of Merit, and recognize our Scout and Cub Scout of the Year! The cost is just $25 per person, with a great discount for a full table of 8 for just $180! Please be sure to invite all your Stinger award recipients to join you!
District Volunteer Appreciation and Awards Banquet
Thursday, January 9 at 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM in Fellowship Hall and Gym
Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church - 7127 Bee Cave Road, Austin TX 78746
Registration Required - please follow the link below:
Date: 01/06/2020 - 3:06 PM (Central)
Title: Bee Cave District January Newsletter Available
If you missed the January 2020 Bee Cave District Newsletter, please click here to view it at your convenience! Or, click here to view our Newsletter Archive page!
Please click here to read about "opting in" and "opting out" of our District newsletter without shutting off email for ALL Scouting activities!
Date: 01/04/2020 - 3:11 PM (Central)
Title: Registration for Castleton Day Camp Opens at Noon Friday, February 21!
There's no better deal than Cub Scout Day Camp at Castleton! Registration always fills quickly, so we want to be sure to get the word out: registration opens at 12:00 noon Friday, February 21!
Please contact Erin Johnston ( with questions or to volunteer!
Date: 08/21/2019 - 3:01 PM (Central)
Title: Dallas Cowboys 2019 Scout Sleepover
Bring your Scouts on a night to remember at the home of none other than the Dallas Cowboys! Free parking, sleepover admission, field access, game and activities, movies, dinner and breakfast and more. It's quite the night! Download the flyer here to get more information and contact details if you or your unit is interested in attending!
Date: 08-01-2019 - 6:56 PM (Central)
Title: Cub Scout Leader Expo - Saturday, Sept 7 @ 8:30 AM
The Council is hosting the Cub Leader Expo "Passport to Adventure" on Saturday, September 7 at the Fickett Center from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM. The purpose of the event is for Cub Scout leaders to learn more about resources available to them from the District, the Council and the Community. Registration is now live at There is no cost to the leaders but we would appreciate leaders registrating to assist us in ordering enough breakfast tacos. Click here to view the flyer!
Date: 06/11/2019 - 8:20 AM (Central)
Title: Unique Cub Scout Overnight: Perot Museum in Dallas, TX
Cub Scout Pack 445 is organizing a multi-pack overnight opportunity to the Perot Museum in Dallas, on the weekend of March 7, 2020. This opportunity is only available to Scouting units, and promises an amazing and fun-filled night for Cub Scouts and their parents alike.
Download the flyer here to get more information and contact details if your Pack is interested in joining!
Date: 10/21/2018 - 7:59 PM (Central)
Title: Girls in Scouting Information
The Boy Scouts of America is opening the opportunity for young women to learn the leadership skills, experience the outdoor fun, and earn the prestigious awards recognized by colleges and employers nationwide that have previously only been available to young men. The Scouts USA program will be accepting girls in February 2019, and the BSA are offering a one-time extension of time to earn the Eagle rank so older girls are encouraged to register as well.
If you and your daughter are interested in learning more about joining the Scouts BSA program in February 2019, please attend a special informational session from 3:00 to 5:00 PM on Saturday, October 27, at Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church (7127 Bee Caves Road, Austin TX 78746).
If you are interested in attending our informational sessions, or just want to receive additional emails with the latest information, please follow this link to register your name and contact information (or type in this link: For more information, please contact Mike Hanley at
To keep up with the latest information, bookmark our webpage:
Date: 10/15/2018 - 12:30 PM (Central)
Title: October 2018 Roundtable Announcements
Thanks to everyone who attended our Roundtable! We hope you had a great time. For your convenience, the materials presented electronically are available here:
Date: 09/21/2018 - 8:43 PM (Central)
Title: Webelos Woods is Here! Saturday, September 29 at Camp Mabry!
Webelos Woods is the first opportunity for 4th-grade Webelos Cub Scouts to learn what Boy Scouting is all about, and for 5th-grade Webelos Cub Scouts to continue to meet and interact with Boy Scout Troops as part of preparing to cross over into Boy Scouting.
Click here to read the email announcement!
Click here for the registration page (all Webelos must register!)
Click here to check out our Webelos Woods page for all the details and registration!
Date: 09/14/2018 - 6:23 AM (Central)
Title: September 2018 Roundtable Announcements
Thanks to everyone who attended our new format Roundtable! We hope you had a great time. For your convenience, the materials presented electronically are available here:
Date: 09/12/2018 - 6:09 AM (Central)
Title: District 2018-2019 Major Event Calendar
This is an updated version of the PDF calendar that went to all the attendees at the recent annual leadership kick-off and Italian BBQ in August, as it now includes the Cubmaster Coffee, which has been recognized as an official, Roundtable-level event for any attendee!
Date: 09/12/2018 - 6:08 AM (Central)
Title: New Reimbursement Rules in September 2018
Fellow Scouters: I have been informed of a new Council Policy everyone needs to be aware of. As a Non-Profit Organization, the Boy Scouts of America should not be paying Sales Tax, yet we have been doing so in reimbursements to volunteers for years.
Starting September 6, 2018, the Capitol Area Council will no longer reimburse volunteers for Sales Tax on purchases made on behalf of the Council. If you turn in receipts for reimbursements with Sales Tax on them after September 6, the Sales Tax will be deducted from your reimbursement.
To avoid paying Sales Tax on a purchase made on behalf of the Capitol Area Council, please download and use this form. The business in question may ask for a Tax ID #. They do not need this as is clearly stated on the attached Comptroller's form. However, rather than argue with them you can give them this number: 74-1143057.
Give me a call at 512-748-1849 if you have any questions!
Mike Hanley - Senior District Executive
Bee Cave District - Capitol Area Council - Boy Scouts of America
Date: 08/19/2018 - 11:32 AM (Central)
Title: August 2018 Roundtable Materials
Thanks to everyone who attended our new format Roundtable! We hope you had a great time. For your convenience, the materials presented electronically are available here:
Date: 05/13/2018 - 5:57 PM (Central)
Title: May Roundtable Materials and Announcements
Our May Roundtable was completed this week, and for anyone interested, here's the materials and announcements that were presented during the joint opening sessions:
Date: 04/13/2018 - 1:56 PM (Central)
Title: Girls in Scouting Informational Session
The Boy Scouts of America’s volunteer-led board of directors recently unanimously approved a plan to welcome girls and young women into all Scouting programs.
There will be a General Informational session on this new policy held in Westlake Hills at St. John Neuman Catholic Church on Tuesday April 24th at 7:00 PM. Volunteers from Capitol Area Council will be on hand to answer questions and present what is known about the new Programs so far.
Please share the attached flier with everyone in your units, and your social media networks, so we can get as much coverage as possible to invite interested families!
Mike Hanley | Senior District Executive
Serving Youth and Chartered Partners in Eanes and Lake Travis Independent School Districts
12500 North IH 35 Austin, Texas 78753
O 512.617.8615 | C 512.748-1849 | F 512.617.3519
Date: 04/13/2018 - 7:26 AM (Central)
Title: April Roundtable Info and Announcements
Thanks to everyone who came to the April Roundtable! We had lots of great information presented, and a Bee Cave "Buzz" of props to Troop 454 for winning "King of Camp" at Camporee! If you're in any way, shape or form interested in Webelos Woods, be sure to plan to come to the May Roundtable on May 10, where we'll be kicking off Webelos Woods 2018.
Thank you to Mr. David Kaplan, District Training Chair, and Mr. Kim Eckert, District Advancement Chair, for their presentations on Youth Protection Training 2 (YPT2) and Path to Eagle, respectively. We have gathered the information presented at Roundtable here for your convenience. Please feel free to reach out to us any time if you'd like to share your thoughts and suggestions for Roundtable: we are here to serve YOU! -- Scott, Annette and Chris, your Bee Cave District Roundtable Team -- (
April Announcements: the slideshow running with monthly announcements
YPT2 Overview: Updated Youth Protection Training Presentation
Path to Eagle for New Parents: condensed introduction of Eagle Advancement issues and concepts
Path to Eagle Process: for more experienced hands, the full presentation
Date: 03/02/2018 - 12:27 PM (Central)
Title: Eagle Projects That Give True Service
Our schools in the Bee Cave District have benefited from an abundance of Eagle Projects, while neighboring schools within Austin and the Waterloo District - which often have a tremendous need, but very few Scouts - are overlooked. This presents a wonderful opportunity for our youth to honor the highest principles of Scouting, to give back to our community, and see how truly fortunate we truly are. I am Lisa Rushing, with Troop 70 here in the Bee Cave District; as a Special Education Teacher in the Waterloo District of Austin Independent School District, I have seen first hand the needs of these terrific kids, and the incredible impact that every effort makes. It inspired me to assemble a list of the key contacts of the schools within Ausin ISD that have the greatest needs, to help make it easier for our Eagle candidates to find projects that will truly make a difference.
The neediest of schools have a position that is foreign to our our Bee Cave District schools: the Parent Support Specialist (PSS). The PSS's job is to help families that are struggling. Both the school Principals and the PSSs need help with both non-permanent and permanent projects. Most AISD schools have PSSs, though there are two Special Needs schools, Rosedale and Clifton, which do not neight PSSs nor School Counselors. Rosedale School serves the most severely disabled students in the school district; Clifton serves disabled students who have aged out of High School but need job training as well as Life Skills to prepare them for independence. Please encourage our Scouts to look at AISD for projects. Many schools need curb appeal and would also love to have student gardens.
Please click here to go directly to the list on the Council's website, or copy/paste the link below:
Date: 03/02/2018 - 8:20 AM (Central)
Title: Boy Scout Program Changes: Allowing Girls in Scouting
Please see the files attached below; this is the current information related to the recent decision to allow girls into Scouting programs:
Date: 03/02/2018 - 8:20 AM (Central)
Title: New Life to Eagle Path Flowchart Now Available
The November 2016 revision of the Life to Eagle Path Flowchart has been completed and is available now on our website here!
Date: 03/02/2018 - 8:20 AM (Central)
Title: Bee Cave District Facebook Page
We're always working to improve our information flow to you, our terrific Bee Cave District Scouters! One of the requests has been to bring social media in to help us keep you informed, so we have established a Bee Cave District Facebook page! If you enjoy and use Facebook to keep informed, please head over there and "Like" us, and you'll start to see our posts in your Facebook feed. Be sure to let us know what you think, at!
Date: 03/02/2018 - 8:20 AM (Central)
Title: Sign Up to Receive the District Newsletter
Want to know all the latest Bee Cave District news? Want to stay up to date on all the Bee Cave District events? Want to get informed and stay informed? Then sign up for the monthly Bee Cave District Newsletter! The newsletter is delivered to you just once a month. We keep all other communication to this list to a minimum, so you won't get a bunch of extra junk mail.
Sign up via this link.
Contact the District Communications Chair if you would like to submit an article for the newsletter or if you have any questions about district communications. We would love to hear from you! Email:
Date: 03/01/2018 - 11:20 AM (Central)
Title: OA Youth Leadership Planning Meeting for Camporee
OA Chapter youth leaders are meeting with interested OA youth at 7:30pm at All-Star Burger at The Galleria this coming Friday night, February 23. The meeting should wrap up by 9pm - or it could just run on Scout time. OA members will need to buy their own meals, but lots of planning should occur - along with quite a bit of fun. The OA youth leaders would like for you to spread the word to the OA youth in your Troop about this event and encourage your OA members to get involved in planning Camporee.
Date: 03/01/2018 - 11:20 AM (Central)
Title: World Scout Jamboree 2019
For the first time since 1967, the United States is hosting the World Scout Jamboree (WSJ)! This exciting world event will be held at our very own Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia, when the 24th World Scout Jamboree runs from July 21 to August 2, 2019. Scouts must be between the ages of 14 and 18 to attend this once in a lifetime event (born between July 22, 2001 and July 21, 2005). You may apply in early Fall 2017. Check out the WSJ website for all the details, or follow their Facebook page to stay informed!
Date: 03/01/2018 - 11:19 AM (Central)
Title: District Adult Leader Recognition Awards Nominations Due by December 3
The Bee Cave District Committee has extended the deadline for adult leader awards nomininations to align with the weekend, and all nomination forms are due by Sunday, December 3. If you have any questions, please visit the Awards page on this site, or contact Mr. Kim Eckert, acting District Awards Chair, at
Date: 03/01/2018 - 11:19 AM (Central)
Title: Warren Wildlife Gallery
The Warren Wildlife Gallery’s mission is to provide an unmatched wildlife experience and to promote the integral role hunting plays in conservation. Warren Wildlife Gallery surpasses other exhibitions, allowing viewers to experience a rare approach to wildlife. From all around the world, this collection acknowledges more than 500 mammals and over 400 exotic birds. The museum contains a two-story pathway that winds through the plains of Africa, the forests of North America, the mountains of Asia, and many other exceptional destinations. Along your journey, you will see over 900 mounted species of wildlife placed in replicas of their natural environment.
This truly remarkable collection includes such focal points as two passenger pigeons from 1875 as well as pieces from Teddy Roosevelt’s 1909 safari expedition, commissioned by the Smithsonian Museum. This collection reveals a glimpse into his pioneer efforts towards conservation. Teddy Roosevelt started the Boone and Crockett Club to honor the commitment that balances human needs with wildlife needs; a commitment that sees deep value in preserving the hunting tradition, as well as in conserving wild lands and wildlife; a commitment that grows out of a powerful love of wildlife. The Warren Wildlife Gallery highlights leaders like such as Roosevelt for their instrumental impact through history and the present.
We invite you to call or email learn more about our world class museum and contribute to wildlife conservation first hand. Please visit us on the web ( or contact Morgan Sharpe, Director of Marketing and Education at (512) 368-5772 or
Date: 03/01/2018 - 11:19 AM (Central)
Title: Webelos Woods is here -- Saturday Sept 30 at Camp Mabry!
Webelos Woods is the first opportunity for 4th-grade Webelos Cub Scouts to learn what Boy Scouting is all about, and for 5th-grade Webelos Cub Scouts to continue to meet and interact with Boy Scout Troops as part of preparing to cross over into Boy Scouting.
Click here to read the email announcement!
Click here for the registration page (all Webelos must register!)
Click here to check out our Webelos Woods page for all the details and registration!
Date: 03/01/2018 - 11:19 AM (Central)
Title: Bee Cave District MegaTraining (Sep 23-24) Registration Now Open
Here's your one-stop-shop for all your unit's Fall training needs, conveniently close at the Bee Cave LDS Chapel (12001 Bee Caves Rd - Austin 78738). From Committee Challenge, to Leader-Specific Training, to Leave No Trace, Outdoor Leadership and more - check out all the details here at, grab the flyer or click here to see the list of classes and register!
Date: 03/01/2018 - 11:19 AM (Central)
Title: STEM Adventure Weekend (Sept 22-24) Registration Now Open
Merit badges, Nova and STEM fun for all Boy Scouts and Venturers is waiting at Lost Pines Scout Reservation in September! Grab the flyer, or click here to get all the registration details.
Date: 01/23/2018 - 9:24 AM (Central)
Title: Friends of Scouting Leadership Breakfast
We would welcome your attendance at this special, invitation-only Friends of Scouting Leadership Breakfast event, benefiting Scouting programs in Central Texas on Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 7:30 AM at the Barton Creek Country Club (8212 Barton Club Drive). Please contact Mike Hanley at or 512-748-1849 if you would like to attend, and please feel free to download, print and distribute this flyer with all the details.
Date: 01/14/2018 - 7:50 PM (Central)
Title: Bee Cave District Welcome Roger Beasley Mazda as a Friends of Scouting Supporter
Date: 08/02/2017 - 10:09 AM (Central)
Title: Hornaday Award Weekend (Oct 20-22) Registration Now Open
The Hornaday Award Weekend provides a path toward earning Scouting's highest conservation award, offering all 21 Hornaday merit badges. Recently we celebrated 100 years of the Hornaday Award, and honor the Scouts and Scouters who have been changing public opinion about conservation with their Hornaday projects. The weekend also offers Leave No Trace awareness class and the Take Care of Texas Award. If you're a Scout, Venturer or Scouter interested in conservation, registration is now open!
More Info:
Date: 08/02/2017 - 10:09 AM (Central)
Title: Making Scouting Accessible For Families
As one of America's leading youth-serving organizations, we aim to bring the benefits of Scouting to the greatest number of youth possible - all while remaining true to our mission and core values, outlined in the Scout Oath and Law. As we think about the future, we are interested in gaining your perspective as a member of the Scouting community.
Please join us in the Bee Cave District for a discussion as we continue the important conversation about how to make Scouting more accessible to today's families. Please click on the link below and RSVP. While there is no cost to attend, we want an accurate headcount for any handouts.
July 27 7pm Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church, 7127 Bee Cave Rd, 78746
Thank you for everything you do to make Scouting a pivotal part of our community.
If you are unable to make the Bee Cave discussion, these other discussions are also available for RSVP:
July 26 7pm Santa Cruz Catholic Church, 1100 Main, Buda, 78610
July 26 7pm Hill Country Bible Church, 12124 RR 620, 78750
August 2 7pm Frank Fickett Scout Training and Service Center, 12500 N IH 35, 78753
Date: 05/09/2017 - 6:18 PM (Central)
Title: Sea Base 2017 Opportunity (June)
Troop 30 has two spots open for our Sea Base 2017 adventure! Here are the details:
Leave Saturday June 17th 2017. Return Sunday June 25th
Must be SCUBA open water certified prior to arrival at Sea Base, and must have turned age 14 before arrival date (June 17th)
Adults and femail Venture Crew Scouts are also eligible for Sea Base (we have an adult female going)
Each participant will go on 13 dives including a night dive
Cost is approximately $1240 plus airfare per person; all SCUBA equipment is included; sleep inside an air conditioned dorm!
Please contact Ted Thomson at 512-422-5876 if you have any questions.
Date: 04/29/2017 - 11:01 PM (Central)
Title: Sea Scout Ship 31 Fundraising Event: Friday May 5th
Join Sea Scout Ship 31 on May 5 from 6 - 10 pm at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church (3525 Bee Cave Rd., Austin) - for a double feature movie night! The Ship will be attending Sea Base Florida for the first time in Summer 2018 and to earn their way they'll be planning several events throughout the year that help us put the FUN in Fundraising. First, we'll be playing Moana (PG) at 6:15 pm and White Squall (PG-13) immediately after at the family friendly event that will include a slice of pizza, popcorn and water for a $10 suggested donation. Candy & soda will be available as separate concessions as well. Bring all your sea loving brothers, sisters, moms, dads, grandparents and buddies and come for one or both films to support Sea Scouting! You can RSVP to and we'll see you at the movies.
Date: 04/29/2017 - 4:28 PM (Central)
Title: Castleton Parent-Volunteer Orientation: Sat, May 6 @ 2:00 PM
Attention Bug Hunters! If your child is attending the Cub Scout Day Camp at Castleton, or you are volunteering for any portion of the camp, mark this day on your calendar! We will cover: parent "must know" information packet; adult volunteer orientation session; paperwork turn-in; and the state-required Texas Camps Youth Protection Training (if you have not taken it, or it will be 2 years since your last training at the time of the Castleton Day Camp, this is required training). The session will take place at the LDS Chapel (12001 Bee Cave Rd, Bee Cave, TX) on Saturday, May 6 from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM (the Texas Camps YPT begins at 4:00 sharp).
BONUS OPPORTUNITY: we are looking for Tot Lot volunteers! Please contact Jillian Perkins ( if you can help out!
Date: 04/12/2017 - 6:42 PM (Central)
Title: Camporee (Final!) Planning Meeting - April before Roundtable
Troop 52 invites all our Bee Cave District Boy Scout Troops to send their representative to our final Camporee 2017 Planning Session! Come help make this year's Camporee everything you want it to be! We will be gathering at Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church (7127 Bee Caves Road - Austin) at 6:00 PM (prior to Roundtable) on Thursday, April 13.
Date: 03/02/2017 - 12:37 PM (Central)
Title: Northern Tier Trek Opportunity
Attention Bee Cave Scouters! Crew 448 has a rare opportunity for two youth (14+) spots on their Northern Tier trek to Ely, MN this summer. Departure date is June 21 and arrival back in Austin is July 1. This is truly a trip of a lifetime out of all the high adventure treks. Catch all the details on the flyer (click here) and review the Crew's Spring calendar for training dates (click here). Please contact Ken Manceaux or Alan Stevens of Crew 448 with inquiries or interest!
Date: 03/02/2017 - 12:37 PM (Central)
Title: Cub Scout Opportunity - Pack 72 Sponsoring Private Camp-In at Perot Museum
Cub Scout Pack 72 is sponsoring a unique opportunity to enjoy a special Cub Scout-appropriate custom program at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science ( in Dallas. This "camp-in" overnighter is scheduled for April 22-23, 2017, and early registration is needed so they can coordinate among the many local Packs that are taking advantage of this event. Click here to see the welcome packet for more info and be sure to contact Dan Brzoska, Pack 72 Cubmaster ( to coordinate!
Date: 02/21/2017 - 10:00 AM (Central)
Title: Friends of Scouting Breakfast - February 28 at Barton Creek Country Club
The Capitol Area Council, Boy Scouts of America is hosting a Breakfast at the Barton Creek Country Club. We want to provide an opportunity for Adults and Community Leaders from all over our area to get to see each other and to hear about the exciting things happening in the Boy Scouts in Central Texas.
This is a Fundraising Breakfast but there is no charge to attend. You must be invited by a Table Host. We will gather at 7:30 AM with Breakfast served at 7:45 sharp. We will end at 9:00 AM on the dot!
Please come hear about the wonderful things Scouts are doing in Central Texas. Call Randy Moening at 512-740-5208 with questions or to secure an invitation.
Barton Creek Country Club - 8212 Barton Club Drive - Austin, TX 78735
Click here for a PDF version of our flyer for your convenience!
Date: 02/21/2017 - 10:00 AM (Central)
Title: Registration for Castleton Day Camp Opens at Noon Wednesday, February 15!
There's no better deal than Cub Scout Day Camp at Castleton! Registration always fills quickly, so we want to be sure to get the word out: registration opens at 12:00 noon tomorrow, Wednesday, February 15! Please contact Jillian Perkins ( with questions or to volunteer!
Date: 11/06/16 - 6:38 PM (Central)
Title: District and Council Awards Nominations - DUE DECEMBER 1!
Please help us recognize the many incredible volunteers who bring the Scouting program to our youth through countless hours of selfless dedication every day, week and month of the year! Only YOU can help us recognize them! Please note that all awards nominations are due on or before December 1. Please visit our Awards Page here, and then save the date for our District Volunteer Appreciation and Awards Banquet on January 12, 2017.
Date: 01/30/2016 - 12:47 AM (Central)
Title: Bee Cave District Recipients of the 2015 Capitol Area Council's Silver Beaver Award
Please join us in congratulating our very own Bee Cave District volunteers among the 2016 recipients of the Capitol Area Council's Silver Beaver Award. The Silver Beaver Award, introduced in 1931, is a council-level distinguished service award for registered Scouters who have made an impact on the lives of youth through service given to the council:
Jim Mallios
Please join your fellow Bee Cave District members in wishing all the Silver Beaver Award recipients a sincere, "thank you for your service!"
The end! :)